The Fear 2 - a horror adventure in the horror-adventrue genre.The protagonist of the game ominous ghost kidnapped his wife and his beloved daughter. As it became known, the ghost 35rummy.comis Marta, the former lover and the wife of the protagonist. But what does she need? Why does she decide to take revenge and what she wants to achieve? Does she have any goals or is she just crazy? We can only know this if we personally meet our nightmare face to face.The Fear 2 is an atmospheric, monstrously ominous and real horror, whose actions unfold in the hero's house. The huge two-story mansion, in which the ghost hides, is far from civilization, the investigator of help and support should not wait. Cold mind, steel nerves and a low-powered flashlight are our only assistants in this difficult jouey.CPU---Android OS4.1Open GL---Free Space 54.57 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newУлучшена производительность;Исправлены ошибки.Update history-----
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