Brush MaBlackJack Pokerster is an unusual time killer with one touch controls. You have 60 seconds to paint the entire room, just keep in mind that they will try to interfere with you. On the battlefield, you are a red paint roller who fights against other paint rollers. Press and hold your finger on the screen and move it sideways to paint over surfaces. Repaint enemy lines on top - the one who paints the most territory wins. During the battle you will receive bonuses, on which your victory may depend. This can be an increase in the size of the roller, acceleration, explosion and much more. Fans of non-standard arcade games and simple but dynamic time killers will like Brush Master.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 24.4 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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