In the style of retro gamesPrizefighters 2- awesomespo7up Down Trickrts arcadefor androiddevices.Without exaggeration, a great arcade game for Android devices that can cause gamers incredible emotions! In Prizefighters 2, you will immerse yourself in the past and enjoy the pristine gameplay of the founders of the best fighting games. Your main goal in this game is to take control of one of the talented fighters and go together to win victories on the way to the coveted Champion title. Will you be able to defeat the best boxers in the world and become number one? Difficult opponents Prizefighters 2 boasts great graphics, made in the style of classic games, background music that provokes a charge of vivacity, as well as the easiest control to master. But, your opponents will be pretty strong and will not forgive you for mistakes. This arcade fighting game will delight you with fast and epic fights, tough opponents, an exciting career mode and its amazing atmosphere.
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