2048 Fishing - a fun and colorful puzzle for android devices. Great entertainment for all ages Painfully exciting and beautiful game for mobile devices , which will offer you a look at the incredibly popular, exciting and still relevant classic puzzle 2048 from a completely different angle. In 2048 Fishing you have to help the fisherman who wants to catch as many unique species of marine life as possible. It is you, or rather your intellect and logical abilities, that can help him in this difficult but interesting case! Are you ready to test yourself in one of the most challenging puzzles? Meditative atmosphere The rules of the game are still as simple as in the classic puzzle 2048. All you need to win is to put different types of fish on the playing field, where each has its own a license plate or a number to subsequently obtain the required number. In 2048 Fishing you will find dozens of diverse and exciting levels, lots of species of fish with the possibility of collecting them, several game locations and a relaxing atmosphere of the game that will allow you to immerse yourself in its gameplay with your head.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 46 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNooriental ProsperityInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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