Pixel Smithy – clickCrash clicker for Android devices. Create exceptional weapons A colorful clicker made in the style of the best retro games, in which you can master the skill of a blacksmith and create the best blades in the world with your own hands! Pixel Smithy is a very simple and addictive game that will give you hours of exciting gameplay and extremely positive emotions. You will have everything you need to create bladed weapons at your disposal, all you need is to collect the necessary materials, process them and choose the shape of the blade. Are you ready to master a completely new craft for you? It's simple and fun to play. Collect the required amount of iron, ore and other materials, melt them in a furnace and give them a unique shape, take out the finished blades and put them up for sale to accumulate gold coins. Invest your earnings in purchasing more expensive materials with which you can create legendary weapons, add them to your collection and start working on your next masterpiece! Pixel Smithy will delight gamers with easy gameplay, simple controls and classic PixelArt graphics. Follow the path of mastering a new craft, starting from a small knife, ending with epic blades of gold.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 17.28 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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